Hello there, wonderful readers! I’m sure since you clicked on a link to this page you’re probably looking for a little bit of information about myself, and what my little bloggity blog is all about! (That’s why you clicked on the About Me link, right?)
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Me on my wedding day! |
My name is Nicole, and my blog is a look into my life as a mommy, a small town gal, and a DIY florist. I post a variety of things, like learning to be a first time mommy and all the wonderful adventures that come with it. I also like to talk about the wonderful quirks of living in a small town and just for fun I throw in some DIY floristry tips from my past career as a florist.
Of course, this is all new to me. Blogging is so much fun and I’m learning every day! My favorite part about the experience so far is probably getting to connect with readers like yourself, chatting about any and all kinds of subjects, and of COURSE, hearing what you have to say, and any tips you might have for little old me!
Obviously these things are wonderful, but incase you’re wondering about the nitty gritty of my life, here are some interesting facts you may or may not know about me! (You probably don’t know any of these facts since you have never actually met me. I think.)
Interesting(ish) Things About Me:
- I am a first time mommy to a beautiful seven month old little girl. She is the light of my life, and not a day goes by that I don’t thank God for bringing her into our lives.
- I own four cats. I’m not a full blown crazy cat lady, but I’m getting there.
- I have a bachelor’s degree in fine arts, specializing in drawing and painting. Completely useless for most jobs, but a total passion of mine and an incredibly fun 4 years of my life so I count it as a win.
- I love to cook, but I’m pretty bad at it. Most things end up burnt. Or raw in the middle. Or both. The smoke detector is essentially a dinner bell in my household.
- I love watching Youtube vlogs more than television, for the most part. My favorite Youtuber is Shaycarl (The Shaytards), followed by the Vlogbrothers and Charles Trippy (CTFxC). If you do not know what I’m talking about, check out their channels on Youtube, become addicted and come back here to tell me about your new obsession.
- I have always wanted to be a stay at home mommy. In fact, my plan is to give up a successful career as a banker at the end of my maternity leave. I will be going back to waitressing in the evenings in order to spend my days at home with my daughter, while I work on starting my own business in online marketing. Many people think I’m crazy for doing this. Sometimes I am one of those people.
- I am a coffee addict. Not the fancy shmancy latté kind of coffee, but really really good, hot, dark roast with just a tiny bit of sugar and juuuust enough milk to say I don’t take my coffee black. I live for it. I go to bed at night excited that the next morning I get to have coffee.
Questions? Comments? Please, let me hear them! Thanks for reading my ramblings, and I do hope this was as fun for you to read as it was for me to write!
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